The Answer to Data Deluge

We Configure Our Software by Definition and Recognition

Accelerators that Provide Real Solutions

Data ontology defines logical categories that fit into a system architecture. The practice provides a knowledge graph that describes a working structure for voluminous amounts of data, which frames its function as both structural and organisational.

Data sets relate to each other to produce meaningful information. We help you define the logical concepts and attributes that provide meaning. We do this by defining place, performance and change.

Rigorous Data Ontologies are Vital to Your Organisation

Ontology design is elaborate and complex and provides the strongest base for modelling schemas - intelligent design takes the best upper ontologies that exist and builds from that point downwards.

Reusable knowledge becomes key, which implies a logical framework to realise consistency and maintain standards. Big Data is there to help you make better decisions.

TeraHelix data ontology diagram

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