TeraHelix Accelerators - A Measure of Superior Performance

“When multiple systems deploy information simultaneously, often specifically configured to individual units, proper aggregation and analysis becomes an impossibility. Vendor solutions compound the problem by demanding expensive integration methodologies, which provides a temporary solution at best, effected at an exorbitant price.” - Tasos Kontogiorgos

At TeraHelix, we make use of metrics to quantify functionality. The indicators we use to provide markers for our software design include performance markers depending on the industry and/or enterprise with which we're engaged. Each unique set of indicators addresses organisational requirements, on both the executive and operational levels.

We have a set of markers that form a fundamental base for our ontologies and data modelling.

Network Management

Network design determines optimal values and performance thresholds, which are integrated into data management software.

Reporting Functionalities

Performance metrics offer quantified data that provide insight. Reporting assists in the design, planning and capacity management of your current estate, and satisfies your needs and expectations that accommodate upscaling requirements.


Long-term profitability depends on delivering the best possible service to the enterprise at agreed levels. Efficiency is key.


Performance indicators ensure that we meet SLA requirements while keeping our clients informed - TeraHelix promises a 'no bait and switch' approach to our client requirements.

Prepare to have your performance metrics defined with test cases, including measurement and execution cases, data analysis and an improvement plan.

We configure our design by placing operations, quality control, and unequalled customer gratification as the cornerstone of our service.

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